哲理文章:爱你所做 做你所爱
时间:2013-12-08 01:30 来源:www.sisaneryi.com 作者:四三二一 点击:次
News 哲理文章:爱你所做 做你所爱 Source: 恒星英语学习网 2011-08-31 我要投稿 论坛
Life is short. Are you doing what you love? Are you living your passion? 人生短暂。你所从事的是你热爱的工作吗?你生活在激情中吗? If not, why? I am guessing most people will answer that question with "I have a mortgage, a spouse and three kids to support.” In the real world people have responsibilities. They have to make sacrifices. You aren't supposed to be happy with your job but you do it because you have to." With all due respect, they are wrong. You can take care of your responsibilities and be happy with your job. We spend over 1/3 of our day, at least five days a week performing our jobs. This is a lot of time to be wasting on something we don't enjoy, is it not? Why not spend that time doing something you truly are passionate about for 50 hours a week instead of something that lacks meaning?
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